Nerikomi Colored Clay Project
Teacher: Jacqueline Harmon
School: MacArthur High School
Amount: $558.07
Category: Materials
Ceramics is an art medium that is cost prohibitive for many people, so my goal with my classes is to introduce them to as many different techniques as I can since this may be my students’ only time they ever get to work with clay. Getting this grant meant that I was able to incorporate a brand new expensive technique that I never thought we’d get to try out: Nerikomi. It is a Japanese clay technique that involves layering different colored clay to create patterns. We usually add color and pattern on top of the clay, so to be able to do a project where it is part of the construction was a new challenge we’d never tackled before. All of us (teacher included) learned a lot and the reveal at the end when we opened the kiln was so exciting! This project would not have been possible without the LPSF grant since clay pigment is extremely expensive so we are very grateful for you choosing MacArthur’s Ceramics program as a grant recipient!