Barry and Neta Beauchamp have deep roots in the Lawton Public School system. They both attended school in Lawton from first grade through twelfth grade, and then returned to LPS as teachers. Barry and Neta have a combined total of 78 years working for LPS, and are now proud retirees. Barry also served as LPS Superintendent from 2000 to 2013.
“The greatest part of being in education is having seen students, parents, coworkers, business supporters and the public in general help to make LPS successful.”
-Barry Beauchamp
Barry and Neta Beauchamp have been donors for the Lawton Public School Foundation for more than 15 years. In addition to being Pillars, they have given many times in honor of community members who’ve passed away.
“Barry and Neta’s legacy is educating and caring for people in our community. Barry has been the greeter at our annual Golden Corral breakfast each year, and we love that he has continued this tradition!”
-Lawton Public School Foundation
Barry also served on the Foundation’s board for many years, and Neta always participates in the Foundation’s fundraising events. Barry says supporting the LPSF allows each of us to say “Thank You” to the LPS staff for their efforts and allows students the best opportunity to be successful.
“The LPS Pillar program enables this community to have the BEST chance to take our educational system to the next level! There is a quote that I would like to share which sums this up very well. It states, ‘You never stand as tall as when you kneel to help a child.’ The LPSF Pillar program is a way to stand tall for our community! Please consider joining our Foundation family!”
-Barry Beauchamp
Without the support of Pillars like the Beauchamp’s, LPSF would not be able to provide the support and resources that we do to the teachers and students of Lawton Public Schools.
For information on how to become a Pillar for the LPS Foundation, click HERE.
#PillarOfTheMonth #LPSF